Assisting during Mass
Sharing musical talents
Supporting youth programs
Contact us or visit the office to explore fulfilling opportunities.
For details, call Lilia Salinas at 956-722-6215.
If you are over the age of 18 and want to sign up as a volunteer at St Patrick Church, you are required to complete, sign and submit the following forms located in the links below:
Volunteer Information Form / Formulario de Informacion de Voluntario
Diocese of Laredo Code of Conduct / Diócesis de Laredo Código de Conducta
Background Check Form / Forma de Verificación de Antecedentes
Thse forms are found below:
FORMS IN ENGLISH - Completion of these forms is mandatory for all parish volunteers.
formularios en español - Completar estos formularios es obligatorio para todos voluntarios.
Religious Education Volunteers - Please submit all completed forms to
All Other Ministry Volunteers - please submit forms to
If you are an adult who will be working in a ministry serving parishioners under 18 years old, you must complete the Safe Environment Training and renew it every three years. These ministries include catechists for First Holy Communion, Confirmation, and Good Shepherd, Lifteen & Edge Volunteers, Conquest & Challenge Volunteers and helping in the Vacation Bible School.
If you are a new volunteer at the parish, please click the link below to complete your training before starting in your chosen ministry. All you have to do is register for a new account and get started.
Safe Environment Training
If you are under the age of 18 and would like to volunteer in any of the many parish ministries that St Patrick Church has to offer, we need your parents to fill out the below required forms. Two forms are attached:
Religious Education Volunteers - Please submit all completed forms to
All Other Ministry Volunteers - please submit forms to